15 Things Only Modest Mouse Fans Will Understand
Can you really be this weird and this popular at the same time?
Some people just can't get their heads around Modest Mouse. And that's understandable. They're the kind of oddity that defies genre boundaries and crafts idiosyncratic songs that, at times, seem like they're trying to be uninviting on purpose. Modest Mouse wasn't supposed to be a commercially successful rock band. That kind of mainstream recognition just didn't happen to bands like this, because bands like this are way too off-kilter to make it onto the popular airwaves. Yet, through a combination of persistence and luck, they've found themselves routinely flirting with commercial success over the years. During that time they've maintained a steady fanbase, a rarity for an oddball indie band that suddenly exploded onto the scene after already having amassed a huge collection of songs that fans of lo-fi indie rock would give their left arm for. They gained exposure, lost band members, added new layers, took an unintentional hiatus, and still came out the other side as the Modest Mouse we all know and love. There's no band quite like this band of immensely talented crackpots. And for that, we should be eternally thankful. So let's show our appreciation by celebrating all of the things that only Modest Mouse fans (hello there!) will fully comprehend.