15 Things Only Pearl Jam Fans Will Understand

8. Taking On Ticketmaster To Fight For Their Fans

Pearl Jam were somewhat resentful of their massive success in the early-to-mid 90s. They were more interested in cultivating a relationship with their audience than they were about making massive amounts of money. True to their grunge roots, they really cared about the music and the people. Not everything that came with fame. When Eddie Vedder and the boys learned that some of their fans were having trouble obtaining tickets to their live shows due to what they felt were unreasonable service charges placed by Ticketmaster, they were furious.

The band cancelled their summer 1994 tour in protest, and staged their own tour in non-traditional venues. The band went as far as to file a petition with the Justice Department, which insisted that Ticketmaster was an unfair monopoly. A congressional hearing was held. Pearl Jam co-founder Stone Gossard explained to the LA Times that 'deep down, it's really not about money. It's about music. It's about fairness. It's about a band who believes good intentions can translate into sound business practices, and a giant corporation that's completely out of touch'.

Unfortunately, their efforts were for naught: in July 1995, the Justice Department issued a statement saying 'The Department of Justice has ceased its investigation of Ticketmaster. No further investigation will take place'. Regardless, it was an extremely brave thing for them to do. They put a lot on the line in order to stand up for their fans.


Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...