15 Unsigned Metal Bands You Need to Hear Now

6. Painted in Exile

pieThe Lowdown: After a stunning EP, Revitalized dropped in 2010, the band were rumored to be signing with Metal Blade, but as of writing of this article, that has not happened yet, so they can thankfully appear on this list. Though the band has a currently popular djent/deathcore/progressive sound that all Sumerian Records bands seem to play, but PIE might be even too experimental for some labels, infusing jazz and even hip hop (see song below) to their technical vortex. A new teaser sample was released in 2011, and the band is supposedly getting ready to release a new 12 minute song, so stay tuned. These guys wont be unsigned for long methinks. RIYL: Between the Buried and Me, The HAARP Machine, The Faceless, Periphery. http://youtu.be/UlyYTmk5q0g
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I am metal. I am so metal I ejaculate mercury. OK, love puppies, pro football and my daughter, so how's that for balance? I own a little metal blog called teethofthedivine.com and used to write for Metal Maniacs, Unrestrained magazines and currently help out with Hails and Horns and New Noise magazines. Yeah- I guess I am metal.