15 Unsigned Metal Bands You Need to Hear Now

5. Kalisia

kalisiaThe Lowdown: Back in 2009, France's Kalisia released arguably one of the greatest self released albums in metal over the last 10 years in Cybion. A 20 song, 4 part cosmic metal opera with its own language and guest appearances from the likes of Angela Gossow (Arch Enemy), Paul Masdival (Cynic) and Arjen Luccassen (Ayreon). Ambitious does not even cover it, so I won't even try and describe it- just listen to the full album in the link down below- Go on. You'll thank me. And that might be why the band has been quiet for so long, knowing that they could never top Cybion. However the band is supposedly still active and also still somehow unsigned, and I can't blame them if it took four years to wait and create something as masterful as they did with Cybion. RIYL: Edge of Sanity, Ayreon, Nightwish, Dol Ammad. http://youtu.be/x0f_N6nTpmA
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I am metal. I am so metal I ejaculate mercury. OK, love puppies, pro football and my daughter, so how's that for balance? I own a little metal blog called teethofthedivine.com and used to write for Metal Maniacs, Unrestrained magazines and currently help out with Hails and Horns and New Noise magazines. Yeah- I guess I am metal.