20 Best Hard Rock & Heavy Metal Guitar Riffs Of 2016

11. Skeletonwitch - "Well Of Despair"

Skeletonwitch's addition of new vocalist Adam Clemans in 2016 may have been controversial, but one thing that isn't is the American quintet's continued ability to lay down amazing riffs.

Nate "N8 Feet Under" Garnette and Scott "Scunty D." Hedrick lead a double-charged sonic assault in last year's "Well of Despair" single, the first taste fans would have received of their Apothic Gloom EP.

Ceaseless in its speed, the main riff of "Well of Despair" is just as dark and morbid as the track's title may suggest. Taking the tone and delivery of classic black metal guitars and speeding them up almost infinitely, Skeletonwitch somehow found themselves able to be both depressing and invigorating in 2016, and their work on the strings is a massive reason as to why.


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