20 Best Metal Albums Of 2017 (So Far)

12. Our Hollow, Our Home - Hartsick

Like it or not, melodic metalcore is a genre that is evolving, and will continue to for years to come. Nothing symbolises that more than Southamptoners Our Hollow, Our Home and their full-length debut Hartsick.

Mixing hard breakdowns with soaring harmonies, everything that fans adore about the metalcore style can be found on this record. The riffs of Tobias Young and Josh White are punishing, the growls of Connor Hallisey are visceral and mind-blowing and the cleans of co-singer Young are emotive and powerful.

In a live environment, the intense cuts from Hartsick work to an adrenaline-pumping perfection, despite the record's lack of guitar solos, a usual metal staple. However, if solos aren't needed, they shouldn't be added in. And Hartsick doesn't need over-the-top guitarwork to function, as the album clearly proves with every listen.

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