20 Devastating Songs About Heartbreak

17. Wasting My Young Years - London Grammar

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pkeDBwsIaZw In their short career, it's remarkable that London Grammar already have about four songs that could have comfortably made this list, but 'Wasting my young years' is included because it hits so many of the stages of grief, depression, bargaining, and the fact that the story ends in acceptance 'I'm wasting my young years, it doesn't matter, I'm chasing old ideas, it doesn't matter.' It's a song that knows there's nowhere to go, it's the sound of weariness and the need for a resolution of sorts - hence the words "I don't know what you are, don't leave me hanging on" But at the same time the acknowledgement that the desire is still alive, despite all the faults of the situation. The object of desire is immovable and unapologetic, and that's what makes them so attractive. Another reason this makes the list is the execution of the music and words. As I said earlier, truly amazing songs in this genre have to do both superbly in tandem and here the instruments pause, wait and move with the voice, sounding just one second away from tears, but keeping everything together to sound like a palpitating heart - up and down, up and down and then out...
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What makes music fantastic? Star quality, amazing music, breathtaking lyrics and the ability to bring something new to the table, even if that means a new take on the classics. That's what I love to listen to and write about. As well as writing for What Culture, I occasionally write a blog http://tedney.blogspot.co.uk and sometimes use Twitter, but sparingly @TedneyNash