20 Greatest Guitarists Of All Time

16. Carlos Santana (42)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBG6IaSQCpU Carlos Santana was born in Mexico but raised in California. Playing guitar from the age of 8 he took instruction from famed Mexican guitarist Javier Batiz who is credited for helping a young Santana create his unique soloing style. Santana€™s emergence during the time of hippies and psychedelics was fortuitous and his Woodstock performance become legendary. Blending hard rock with Latin flavours and jazz fusion, Santana remains a staple on classic rock radio with a plethora of hits to choose from. Those with a desire for a broader historical perspective will find no lack of material to dig into from the €˜80€™s forward.

15. Keith Richards (40)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-hDxTVvG-4 According to Rolling Stone Magazine, guitarist Keith Richards and Stones singer Mick Jagger co-authored 14 of the top 500 songs of all time. The publication is quoted to have said that Richards is responsible for, €œrocks greatest body of riffs€ and ranks as the 4th greatest guitarist ever. An enduring character because of his well-publicized run-ins with the law, substance abuse, and recovery, Richards does what few guitarists can do effectively €“ play sparingly and tastefully while driving the band rhythmically. Who expected the verbally incomprehensible Mr. Richards to be strutting his stuff at the age of 70?
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Ross Ingall is a 52 year old ordained Canadian baptist minister who has been listening to hard rock and metal quite literally since each was invented. A second career pastor who attended seminary in his 40's, the Rev hosts Too Metal For Church on Metal Nation Radio. Writing both under his own name as well as the psuedonym/nickname Reverend Rock, Ross has been writing music articles on the web since 1999.