20 Problems Only Music Festival Goers Will Understand

18. The Long Walk Of Doom

The walk from the entrance to the campsite may not seem that far, but it'll be the longest journey of your life. Laden with essentials (only a third of which are actually essential) and enough Brothers cider to power Concorde, you and your friends will split the trek into short one-minute bursts, punctuated by regular ten-minute rest stops. You'll look on enviously as other campers prance past with their fancy luggage sleds, and you'll all vow to hire one of those next year. You never will.

17. A Three-Man Tent Does Not Fit Three Men

After dragging all your equipment across what feels like an entire county (a big one, like Somerset) it might be tempting to lie on the grass and crack open your first can. Resist that temptation - a sober tent setup is infinitely better than a drunk one. An unavoidable problem, however, is the tent's size. Who are these men that are used to calculate the size of a "three man" or "four man" tent, and just how short are they?
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.