20 Problems Only Music Festival Goers Will Understand

6. The Tension Of Walking Back To The Campsite

This one's a problem common to big mainstream festivals with lots of varied headliners. It might have been a smart move for the organisers to keep Mumford and Sons and The Prodigy at opposite ends of the arena - but their fans will have to merge once it's time to go back to the tents. There's no guarantee a fight actually will break out, but with one group ambling along in a marijuana haze and the other coked to the eyeballs, it's not going to be the most harmonious of journeys. And speaking of drugs...

5. The Creepiest People On Earth Will Offer You Drugs You've Never Heard Of

Notice the more this happens the closer you are to the dance tent. You wonder where they could be keeping all these drugs they speak of. Maybe in that blatantly obvious backpack, or perhaps in one of their many, many parka pockets. They won't take offence if you turn them down - they'll just melt back into the crowd as though they were never there. At some point, someone will actually ask you for MDMA and you'll have a crisis of confidence. You never thought you looked like a dealer, but apparently you do.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.