20 Problems Only Music Festival Goers Will Understand

8. The Kids Who Just Love Moshing

You had no idea elbows could be so bony. Those wiry pre-pubescents next to you seemed so nice and friendly before the music started; now they're shoving each other around and flailing their arms for no discernible reason. You wouldn't mind if it was only for a song or two, but these lads will take any excuse to start a six-man circle pit. Their fringes are going everywhere. Cut them some slack though - they've only just finished their GCSEs.

7. The Back Of The Crowd Is No Less Annoying

You'll move back to get away from the mosh kids, but don't think you'll have a better time further back. You'll instead find yourself stuck behind this girl, the one on her 6'5" boyfriend's shoulders for the entire set. At one point she'll see herself on the big screen and wave - it's good that she's enjoying herself. Equally annoying is the guy next to you. Like you, he knows every word to your favourite band's songs. Unlike you, he's got the worst voice in the world.
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Content Producer

Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.