20 Things You Are Never Told About Being In A Band

8. Other Bands Will Talk Smack, A Lot

Anchorman GifDreamworksWhile you will probably meet a lot of awesome bands when playing shows, there will be just as many unpleasant ones. As is the way of life, some of the bands you meet will start talking crap about other bands to you - and sometimes they may be right. But if they're saying these things about those guys who are supposedly their friends, what do you think they're saying about you? If you're going to do this for an extended period of time, you'll need to grow a thick skin- like, crocodile thick.

7. You€™ll Constantly Hear People Refer To €˜The Scene€™ As If It€™s A Living Beast

WWEWWEAfter spending enough time in a band you'll often hear people talking about 'the scene'. Obviously they mean the music scene, but the way some people talk about it is like its some kind of untameable behemoth or an unstoppable force of nature. Bands will start talking about how pleased they are with the scene, or how not enough people are giving back to it or even show fear at it changing - as if its some kind of vengeful deity. This can make you feel like you've unwittingly joined a deranged cult, so when in doubt just smile, nod and occasionally say ' yeah man, we need to help the scene'.

6. Being In A Band Can Be Like Being Stuck In The Longest Internship Ever

Cookie Monster Waiting GifSaesame StreetWhile some bands will make it, the vast majority of bands sadly won't. After putting thousands of hours into your music and waiting patiently for your big break you'll slowly haemorrhage money and see yourself become increasingly bitter and jaded. It's basically like working the longest and most parasitic internship imaginable, except the slim possibility of success makes it even more soul-destroying.
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Having written for Official Playstation Mag, Godisageek and obviously What Culture. Tom is a London based writer who loves him some games. You may also find his articles lurking in the film and comic sections on rare occasions.