20 Things Only Blink-182 Fans Understand

12. Self-Titled/Untitled

True fans of the band know the name of the band€™s final record before their four-year hiatus. Namely, that it has no name. Despite being referred to almost universally as their self-titled album €“ largely because shops need something to have a name if they€™re going to be able to sell it €“ the record never really had a title.

11. Nirvana€™s Smiley Face Has Nothing On This

Nirvana fans can keep their smiley face, because it€™s got nothing on the logo for blink€™s aforementioned untitled record. Five arrows for it being their fifth studio album €“ now upped to six following the release of Neighborhoods for their current live sets. That€™s something you could get tattooed on your body and be happy about for the rest of your life.
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Blink 182
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