20 Things Only Blink-182 Fans Understand

10. Tom Can Sing Like An Angel

Haters are always going to hate, and Tom€™s seemingly accrued a sizeable number of them, railing against his voice as €˜whiny€™. What those critics clearly don€™t realise is that a) It€™s not really whiny at all, it€™s awesome, but even if they think it is, b) Tom has the voice of an angel (pun only slightly intended) when he wants to. His vocals on AVA, especially, are a lot more polished and you only need to stick on We Don€™t Need to Whisper to hear what a great voice he has.

9. But He Doesn€™t Always Choose To

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THVnTuKGZXk Having said that, he€™s not always one for clean-cut vocals. His work on blink can be raw in contrast, but that€™s a good thing. It€™s exactly what you want to listen to in a track like Stay Together for the Kids, tackling divorce and broken homes. He€™s got the range, and he proved all his critics wrong when We Don€™t Need to Whisper came out and he showed another side to his voice.
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Blink 182
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