How do you pick just one riff for someone as ridiculously talented as Dimebag Darrell? The man was so prone to producing timeless guitar lines that should a particularly hot day crop up, the resultant perspiration would provide fuel for a thousand similar bands' hit singles. Although Cowboys From Hell would get an entire generation into the band through its inclusion on fad-definer Guitar Hero, one of Dime's greatest contributions to the metal archives would be in the slick sliding power-chords of Mouth for War. Whilst the riff in question doesn't actually kick in until after the immediate intro passage, it's that uniquely subtle way of taking a composition that seems easy to imitate - yet impossible to replicate - that would forever define Darrell's influence on the world. Seriously, have you ever looked at the guitar tabs for Walk? It's like one fret bent down and released again. With any other person on Earth (aside from Jerry Cantrell) that just wouldn't be enough to hold any attention, but Dime committed the piece to tape and here we are some 22 years later it still sounds huge. However, is it as "Just go CRAZY!"-sounding as Mouth? We think not, as although there are many of Dime's riffs you could throw in here in place of what's listed, there's just so much of that defining Pantera swagger present on the recording that it inches it above their other work, as well as being one of the most well-received songs from back when the band were touring relentlessly.