21 Biggest Metal Riffs Of All Time

11. Megadeth - Holy Wars (The Punishment Due)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYlUe-SDqA0 It's not too often you hear a song's opening smattering of notes and within seconds just know that you're never going to be able to come close to sounding anything like it. Such is the case with Megadave's fourth album that he finally succeeded in making a song huge enough for a field of patrons to lose their minds to that also simultaneously inked itself into any number of books about advanced metal guitar composition. With a chord on the tail-end of the riff that changes with each measure, it provides one of the most fun pieces of heavy music to witness live, as the many in attendance suitably fling themselves around as fast as possible, only to stop and pause for a second in tandem with the stop-start nature of the composition... before doing it all again. Holy Wars is a psychotic tornado of a song, custom-built back when the fury of being dismissed from Metallica's ranks had Dave Mustaine snarling with enough venom to take down Spider-Man, all the while wanting each and every song he put his name on to justify every drop of adrenaline coursing through his veins. Needless to say Wars is that song, not just for the intro riff that is a complex gallop of a piece in itself, but also for the ending solo that in of itself continues to justify Mustaine's placement at the very top of legendary metal author Joel McIver's '100 Greatest Metal Guitarists' ranking opus.
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