2. Miles Kane - Album Title To Be Confirmed
This energetic Englishman gave Indie Rock something to be proud of with his first album and when his second album launches later this year we can only hope that he can pull it off again. In the former Rascals man's debut solo album, he was helped by his mate and fellow musician Alex Turner who co-wrote the album with Kane. Now, he is seeking help from even higher powers. The Modfather, Paul Weller will be aiding Miles Kane with his new record which I think many will agree is a very interesting prospect and allows us to get a a handle on just how good this album could be. We were given an insight as to what the record has to offer when Kane released "Give Up" on the internet. Although not his best work - it has that classic Miles Kane swagger about it and the guitars sound great in it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiMXaM5um6