Of course Hello Kitty holds the top spot. For those who dont know, Avrils husband Chad Kroeger actually helped write this song, as if you needed another reason to hate Nickelback. The video opens with Avril shouting random Japanese words (which actually translate to Thanks and Cute) before dancing around around in a candy shop. Like Gwen Stefani way before her, Avril seems to be jumping on the Harajuku trend. You know, that trend that happened 10 years ago. (Side note: What You Waiting For came out a decade ago, doesnt it make you feel sick). Avril then does some stereotypical Japanese stuff like drinking sake and eating sushi, whilst being followed by a band of unsmiling and terribly unsettling Japanese women in uniform. This video attracted a lot of criticism, partly because its as trippy and unnerving as the pink elephant scene in Dumbo, but largely because of the patronising way it appropriates Harajuku culture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LiaYDPRedWQ The video was actually received positively in Tokyo, but, cultural appropriation aside, we can all agree that this video is nothing if not completely baffling.