5 Avril Lavigne Music Videos That Were Totally Baffling

2. Rock N Roll

Avril Lavigne 345 This video is hard to watch from the outset, due to the half hilarious, half jaw-droppingly awful product placement. Before the song even begins, Avril€™s €œnew Sony phone is ringing€ (ACTUAL QUOTE), a phone that she keeps in a glass of water because Sony€™s new phone is indestructible(?) This is by far not worst thing about this video. Avril is in various states of military dress, living in what appears to be an Escape-From-New-York-style post-apocalyptic world where rock and roll is dead. In the middle of the video and song, there€™s a hideous cut where Avril€™s car, driven by a dog, crashes into a tree. Because the dog had a drinking problem. Because drinking and driving (especially when you€™re a dog) is hilarious. Also, the dog dies. Who the hell comes up with this stuff? Just after this and out of nowhere, Avril kisses her female friend who was also in the car, because faux-lesbianism is, like, so rock €˜n€™ roll, like omg I kissed a girl I€™m so edgy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuNTO31FlY8 And then - AND THEN - Avril plays a solo in front of a white, picket-fenced church in what is assumedly an homage (read: disgusting rip-off) of Slash€™s solo in the November Rain video. After this she is attacked by a half-shark, half-bear which she beheads with her guitar shaped like a round saw. Then Billy Zane flies into the sky on a segway. Watching this video feels like someone scoured the internet for €œcool€ stuff, and then threw it all together without any consideration. It also feels like having a stroke.

Fan of Taylor Swift and the Dead Kennedys (a duet I can only dream of). I like dystopias, slasher films, and video games that make me feel things.