5 Awesome Irish Bands That Aren't U2

3. Tvvins

The newest band on this list. The two members of this duo earned their considerable stripes individually as members of two of Dublin's most well respected bands; Adebishi Shank and Cast of Cheers. Respectively that's a math noise band and an indie math band. So it surprised more than a few when this new, highly anticipated joining came out with something completely different. Tvvins are, in essence, a synth band utilising catchy hooks and auto tune vocals to stylish effect. The groove based synth pop genre is going through something of renaissance thanks to bands like Kavinsky and Daft Punk, especially their album Random Access Memories, but this isn't mere bandwagon jumping. Funk, that abused misnomer, isn't really a factor here and rather than paying direct homage to the past there's a sense of building on former heroes achievements, as well as deploying the duo's own innovations to create something familiar but new. It's Eighties Romantics synth pop here, straight up electro there and just an excuse to have a good time all around. Well crafted songs and simple but effective lyrics mean that this band is probably going to have a pretty wide catchment of fans in as little as a month's time. The idea of synth pop may not appeal to everyone but when it's as infectious as this it's hard to say no.

Born in England, living in Ireland. Ugandan, Irish, English and maybe even Jewish Welsh. I am a Writer and general word junkie. Interested in most things but especially film, literature and gaming. Cynical and yet surprisingly open to the possibility of good things.