5 Awesome Irish Bands That Aren't U2

2. Enemies

Wicklow based four piece Enemies have been a steady force in the Dublin music scene for a number of years now. Working comfortably and cleverly through the over crowded post rock scene they emerged as a particularly vibrant talent amongst a sea of drones. Eventually shirking the limited post-rock moniker the band have developed out a sound that was already expansive. The clever changes between tight rhythmic guitar work and big seas of sound have always been one of the bands most appealing factors but on newer releases they've begun to experiment with vocals. Supplied from within and guest artists like Heathers, the way they've utilised the vocal range without relying on it is refreshing as well as pleasant on the ear. The band's reconciliation of their past with their new inventiveness has produced album Embark, Embrace. It's a spritely, energetic record full of mountainous highs that should work for Tortoise and Battles fans as much as people who like Maps & Atlases and Passion Pitt. Literally the proverbial 'big in Japan', their contacts there saw them play with the God like talents of Toe, Lite and Mouse on the Keys (if you don't know those bands prepare for a treat). Another heavy touring band who have seen most of the world from a tour bus, these guys can transplant their excellent recordings into perfect performances without sacrificing atmosphere. Check them out.

Born in England, living in Ireland. Ugandan, Irish, English and maybe even Jewish Welsh. I am a Writer and general word junkie. Interested in most things but especially film, literature and gaming. Cynical and yet surprisingly open to the possibility of good things.