5 Best Glastonbury Headline Sets Of The Last Decade

2. Metallica

Metal had never really been seen at Worthy Farm before 2014. After an rumoured drop-out from Prince and a little bit of re-shuffling, Metallica ended up at the top of the bill on Saturday night.

Following outrage regarding frontman James Hetfield's association with bear hunting, which doesn't align with the festival's ethics, Metallica walked on stage to a video titled 'Glastallica', created by Julien Temple, in which Metallica are disguised as bears with guns, that take down some fox hunters. After this, all the controversy was forgotten and the band blistered through their set, accompanied by a crowd of fans on stage behind the band.

Most people initially seemed to be watching out of curiosity as the band played the heaviest set The Pyramid Stage had ever seen, including classics such as 'Once' and 'Enter Sandman', but the majority of the crowd remained in The Pyramid Field to watch the American metalheads.

This performance opened the floodgates for metal to find it's place at the festival, with new metal-exclusive stages in the Shangri La area, and even performances on the main stages, such as Babymetal on The Other Stage in 2019.

It's only a matter of time before metal makes it's way back to the top of Worthy Farm.


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