5 Best Pop Punk Albums Of 2013

3. A Day To Remember €“ Common CourtesyCommon Courtesy It's almost romantic that the first line on this album is "F*ck yeah!" Common Courtesy has been subject to several delays while the band's record label tried to prevent its release, leading to court cases and public arguments over contracts. So when Jeremy McKinnon opens the album with those two words, you know A Day To Remember have been waiting for this moment just as long as you. The uniqueness of the band's sound may have been lost over time but nobody marries the best of pop punk and hardcore like ADTR. 'City of Ocala' has an old-school skate punk element to its heavy riffage, pumping the tempo up early on. 'Right Back At It Again' is the anthem of the album; a call to arms that will no doubt have crowds going mental around the world soon. A Day To Remember can still mix it with the heavier crowds too; 'Life Lessons Learned The Hard Way' is as brutal a song as you'll hear all year. Of course, it wouldn't be an ADTR album without some softer songs to croon along to. Jeremy McKinnon's vocals on 'I Surrender' and 'I'm Already Gone' drip with emotion and heartache; you can't help but be drawn in by them. A Day To Remember have always stated (jokingly, of course) that world domination is their final goal €“ Common Courtesy is an album that can see that goal finally achieved.


I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.