5 Common Criticisms Of Coldplay (And Why They're Wrong)
Well, the people have spoken. According to the listeners of BBC 6Music, the best song from the past decade is Clocks by Coldplay. I couldn't be happier with this outcome. Every generation appears to have a band that it's not OK to like. Said band then becomes the butt of every single lazy criticism that can possibly be made of music; their very name a synonym for blandness itself. Criticisms of such bands become so commonplace that those who hurl the insults ironically become infinitely more boring and tedious than the music they so gleefully attack. As a huge Coldplay fan whose defence of the band could often be described as militant, it's lovely to have some validation for a change. It's great to feel, for once, that just because I like Coldplay it doesn't make me any less of a person. Because you're wrong, you know. Not to hate Coldplay. Oh no, you're perfectly entitled to your opinion. Nobody's forcing you to listen to them. Ever. But when it comes to your inchoate, narrow minded, unimaginative and hackneyed explanation of just why it's wrong to like Coldplay, you honestly could not be more mistaken. In the wake of this sudden confirmation that it's actually fine to like Coldplay, let's take a look at five of the most common criticisms of the band and examine, in turn, why each offers a deeply flawed argument.