5 Crushingly Sad Songs You've Never Heard

2. Daniel Johnston - Peek A Boo

For those of you who have seen the 2006 documentary The Devil and Daniel Johnston you'll have a clearer idea of his character. For those who haven't, this song provides a window into what it is like for him to live with his bipolar disorder. At his best, Johnston's songs are a class apart. His apparent naivety and childlike view of the world combined with the darkness of his manic depression have produced some unique work. There's a cruel circularity present however, one that he addresses in this song. It's his manic depression that gives rise to the creativity needed to write such incredible songs. But what about the darker side to the illness? It's he and his family who have to live with it, not his fans. Bleakest moment - ""You can listen to these songs/Have a good time and walk away/But for me it's not that easy/I have to live these songs forever."

Phil is a politics graduate interested in film, TV and tweeting Alan Partridge quotes to obscure British celebrities. He is currently reviewing every film he watches between Halloween 2013 and Halloween 2014 over on his blog - www.philfilmblog.blogspot.co.uk