5 Greatest The Beatles Albums

3. Love (2006)

Now, I know this is a controversial pick as it has caused much division between fans- but hear me out. I know this isn€™t technically a studio album from the band, but this is one album that I can listen to again and again because it encapsulates everything I love about The Beatles. It celebrates their diversity of music, trying to fit in as much of their work without it sounding like a mess. I€™ve heard some criticism that as a remix album it doesn€™t work as most of the mashing-up comes at the end of songs, a criticism I can certainly see. But I would argue that when the songs do more than that, that€™s where the album really stands out. The new version of While My Guitar Gently Weeps turns it from a great rocker into a haunting acoustic number, using George Harrison€™s original demo and then layering some new strings over the top. The album attempts to capture something like a live performance of The Beatles, so adding in voices from the studio, and I think that works. To a fan, it brings a closeness to the music that it respects and loves. I€™d recommend watching the documentary about the making of the album, it sheds light on what they€™re doing with the songs, and I think seeing the intentions could convert a naysayer. Love is a brilliant celebration of the band and the music.
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Daniel Williams is a writer from Solihull, UK. His influences include Orson Welles, Bob Dylan, tea, and Snoopy. His personal blog is http://teatieredpen.wordpress.com or you can follow the gentleman on Twitter @DRWilliams14