1. Hookworms - Pearl Mystic
Not only is this album criminally underrated, it's one of the best debut albums of the past few years. These pychedelic/shoegaze fellas from England drive deep down Oblivion Rd. and Void Blvd. and delve deep into the primordial ooze. How they come out with something that's actually audible, irresistibly incredible, and excruciatingly excellent - is beyond me. "Away/Towards" is the perfect example, staring painfully slow and eventually flying into the cosmos. Pulsating and driving, the track, as well as the rest of the tracks on the album, is an imaginative and enlightening foray into the exploration into the creation of music. Although all of the tracks are longer than your standard track, Pearl Mystic finds ways to keep you returning for more and entertaining you along the way. If anything about this sounds remotely interesting, you're in for the thrill of your life. Okay, fine, you're at least going to hear a damn good album.