5 Musicians Whose Digitally Reconstructed Faces Will Scare Future Generations

3. Pete Doherty

DDB8C9BD878184EBFF55FF94B8E8E In the future, after technology allows everyone to download a PhD level education to their brains through Google, society will almost inevitably be highly sophisticated and full of geniuses. So when Pete Doherty€™s vomit-pale, vacant face comes onto the screen of the Face Restoration Machine, and everyone realizes that we treated the drug-addled miscreant gurning back at them as a cultural icon, anything decent 21st society has achieved will be pi**ed in the wind and our credibility compromised entirely. To prevent this from happening, can somebody please make sure that Doherty is buried next to a copy of The Libertines€™ €˜Up The Bracket€™ to put our respect for him in context? Otherwise it will literally look like we equated being a junkie with being a genius, as Doherty€™s undeniable musical talent is ignored.
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I am a third year English student at the University of Southampton attempting to use my interest in music and films in a mildly productive manner. I hope it has worked.