5 Reasons To Love The Darkness

3. Effortless Solos

The fact is, solos make a song go from average to epic in a matter of seconds and more important, they make excellent air-guitar moments. Solos can be so intricate in their creation that you will never get a similar sounding one between songs or between bands. Take Van Halens Eruption for example. I have still yet to have my mind blown on a similar proportion. The way Justin and Dan Hawkins' alternate their finger-licking deliciousness of solos at several points within a song, makes me really believe a lot of effort and general hard work has been put into what every single note is in that song. I couldn't say the same for any generic four-chord sequence guitar riff which is too common for any of us to handle anymore. Solo's cry out for ludicrous stage dives, crowd surfs, back-bending or shape throwing of epic proportion, you know, the proper show-boat moments. I'm always in awe of the angles Justin creates during those solo moments, good and bad. Better have an ambulance at standby!
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The Darkness
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Im the new kid in town. Holla!