5 Reasons Why You Should Be Listening To Fever 333
3. Inclusion
Community, Charity, Change
Inclusion, fittingly, slots in at number 3. It's a number important to the band who were originally named The Fever, then The Fever 333, before Fever 333. The three Cs stand for "community, charity, change" - an important message from the band who are all about making everyone feel welcome, no matter your gender, the colour of your skin, or societal background.
Jason Butler is no stranger to taking some time mid-set to tell the audience that not enough people look like them in the industry, with the band adding much-needed representation for peple of colour in rock and metal music - and doing so with perfect balance with one black member of the band, one white ally, and being fronted by a man who knows the struggles of being mixed ethnicity and struggling to fit in no matter what.
A lot of Fever 333's music takes aim at gun violence in America, particularly towards people of colour, but also of anyone feeling any sort of oppression, no less so women as the band promote safety at gigs through "Walking In My Shoes" as they thank all the women in the audience. The band also have a charity foundation of the same name supporting several causes important to them.