5 Reasons You Should Be Excited About Busted Reforming

3. Charlie's Bringing A Vastly Different Musical Perspective

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWJ4etIAY8w What do Fightstar have to do with new Busted material? Probably a whole lot more than you'd think. Charlie is returning to the project having released four albums with Fightstar and an EP (the band's last album Behind The Devil's Back Was released as recently as October 2015). That's not to mention the two solo albums he's released, Young Pilgrim and Long Road Home, a pair of great indie folk rock records. The point is, Charlie may be returning to what started as a glorified boy band, but the boys are now men, and that doesn't mean fans will be hearing the same sort of music. While Charlie is unlikely to be producing the guttural vocals heard on Fightstar tracks like Deathcar and Sink With The Snakes, he's spent a significant amount of time perfecting completely different styles of music. It's extremely likely that this will shape Busted's new song writing in some exciting shape or form, regardless of how apparent it might seem.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.