5 Reasons You Should Be Excited About Busted Reforming

2. They've Matured As People

James, Matt and Charlie are all very different people than they were a decade ago. The gang have matured immensely since it all started, developing from teenagers into fully-fledged adults. Who'd have thought it was possible? Charlie is married and Matt even has children.

Whether or not this translates into a more mature sound remains to be seen, but it will absolutely have an effect on the band moving forward. While it's difficult to believe they'll drop the humorous, light-hearted aesthetic entirely, it won't be surprising if there's a more serious edge to some aspects of their sound and performance. Of course, Old-Busted had its own supply of melancholy numbers (shout out to 3am), but the maturity of the guys may lead to something else entirely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTkxGYv6FTk

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.