50 Worst Number Ones Of All Time

5. Sak Noel: Loca People (2011)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-d6b1yn-YhQ This musical disgrace features about ten lyrics on repeat. Admittedly, the production of the song is perfect for the club scene, which is probably why it hit number one. But by no means is it a credible song. It€™s actually quite awful. Also, what message is the song trying to convey? People in Spain party and somebody isn€™t used to it? Great. Is that supposed to encourage us to party all day? Because if so he€™s not doing a very good job. If anything, we€™re more inclined to think that this should be frowned upon. But then it€™s backed by a dance beat. There are mixed signals all over the place. A listener doesn€™t know whether to rave or take a good long look at themselves in the mirror.

4. Joe McElderry: The Climb (2009)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2qnQrou9no Oh Joe, how bland you are. During his time on The X-Factor, he displayed his remarkable ability to never really sing out of tune. Unfortunately, his interviews reiterated his distinct lack of personality, something which really came across in his debut release €˜The Climb€™. The song was obviously catered for Joe, as it€™s also quite a boring song. Sure, he won The X-Factor, but then people quickly realised that they actually didn€™t care about him outside of the show, and nobody bought his album, probably because they€™d already forgotten about him. Thus, he deserves a place on this list for championing one of the dullest number ones ever.

3. Chico: It€™s Chico Time (2006)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_-isKzt4O4 Chico was a gimmick; a joke act whilst performing on The X-Factor. After being unceremoniously booted off the show, he released €˜It€™s Chico Time€™, in which he disguised his inability to sing with excess amounts of sexual growling. The lyrics are downright nasty; with Chico stressing that life is one big ole party. We€™ve had many number ones emphasising this very message, but none compare to this shamble. At the time everyone was going mental over him knocking Madonna off the top of the charts, thinking that he was in for a fruitful career. Fortunately, he€™s been relegated to Butlins performances, never to be heard of again.

2. One Direction: One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks) (2013)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=36mCEZzzQ3o Only one word can describe this song: travesty. Honestly, it€™s an absolute mess. The inclusion of €˜Teenage Kicks€™ is utterly pointless, featuring rather strained vocals and adding nothing to the song as a whole. It€™s fun and bouncy... but at the end of the day, largely forgettable and lacking in that certain quality that made €˜What Makes You Beautiful€™ memorable. It did serve its purpose though, being that it shifted thousands of copies and raised awareness for Comic Relief. Regardless though, it€™s most certainly a terrible song in its own right and one that definitely deserved its place on this list.
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Entertainments lover. Yoghurt hater. Beard grower.