6 Essential UK Rock Festivals You Need To Attend In 2014

3. Bloodstock Open Air - 7-10 July 2014

Headliners: Down, Emperor & Megadeth Bloodstock Open Airis synonymous with fun, and that is precisely the message that the creators must have had in their mind when they conceived Bloodstock. Created by fans for fans, BOA is the ultimate presentation of metal music in the UK. Much less boutique than Damnation with much more variety in the line-up, Bloodstock isn't afraid to be unique. It of course intends to offer bands can that appeal to everyone in the audience €“ take Down for example €“ to the obscure bands that fill a very small nook in a large market €“ like Aborted €“ BOA has something for everyone. This extends to the campsites as well. The security staff are some of the nicest guys you will ever meet. Similarly the volunteer company that ran the campsite information hubs when I was in attendance are legitimately the greatest group of people you could possibly want to help you in a time of need. Bloodstock is the festival for the people. Likelihood Of A Sell-Out: 7/10 I admit to a minor bias with this one: I really want Bloodstock to sell out just so it can receive the mainstream attention it deserves. Do I think that BOA can sell out? If the speed in which it sold out early bird and tickets and rock society memberships are indicative, the festival has a very chance of going the whole way. And if you're still considering buying a ticket, it would be worth going just to see Emperor.

I’ve been a film fan for as long as I can remember, with one of my earliest memories watching my dad’s copy of Star Wars one rainy afternoon in the mid-nineties. Then the 21st century happened, and my interests developed from there – mainly including comics and video-games, and recently an introduction into WWE. It’s a good time for popular culture. Follow me on Twitter: @TW0_ST3P or on Facebook: facebook.com/Tw0st3p