6 Iconic Music Producers Due For A Comeback

2. The Pet Shop Boys

petshop The Pet Shop Boys are amazing pop stars in their own right, but their work as producers often goes overlooked. Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe have produced the ultimate (and criminaly underrated) Robbie Williams track - She's Madonna, Liza Minnelli's finest album, Results, and for Eighth Wonder, Dusty Springfield, Pete Burns and Boy George. The pair have the ability to channel their distinctive synthpop sound to other artists with ease - always resulting in a fresh and original combination. Just listen to any of the above collaborations to see how the sounds of these iconic performers are given a new lease of life through the Pet Shop Boys' treatment. With the release of their upcoming album Electric, and an upcoming tour, Lowe and Tennant are bound to be busy - that doesn't stop us with dreaming about their future production collaborations though. Imaging what they could do producing an album for a modern pop diva like Kylie Minogue, Madonna or Lady Gaga.
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Student. Generally obsessed with all things film, television and pop music. Worshiper of John Waters, Stock-Aitken-Waterman, and awful Madonna films. You can find me on Twitter at @AndrewSMcArthur.