7 Bands Where 2014 May Be Their Last Year

3. Barenaked Ladies

Paul McCartney once said The Barenaked Ladies harmonised better than The Beatles - well, that was with Steven Page and it's a questionable conclusion at best (Sorry, Paul, this may be the only thing you're wrong on). The departure of Steven Page back in 2009 marked a change for the band, a change that may ultimately spell the end for the band. Ed Robertson and Steven Page - the two lead writers for the band - grew up as elementary school friends, a friendship that blossomed into a band. Their work together was synergistic: anything they made together was better alone. We see that now. Sure, BNL have had success writing the theme song to The Big Bang Theory and with a new single called "Odds Are", but it feels a bit as if the band is trying to stay afloat rather than make progress the way they did with their previous albums.
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Matthew Moffitt hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.