7 Bands Where 2014 May Be Their Last Year

4. U2

It's hard to imagine a band whose career has spanned over four decades would end in 2014, especially given their recent comeback with their Golden Globe winner "Ordinary Love" and performance in New York on The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon just a few days ago. But it isn't the public that's brought this up; it's Bono himself. In recent interviews with Rolling Stone, he stated that himself and the band are wondering if they are relevant anymore. He discussed whether or not people - i.e the younger generation, even knows about them - and this new album will determine that. That's what it comes down to - can this album revitalise their image and still market their sound to younger listeners? Some believe they made their best music years ago, others celebrate their current status and their ability to adapt to the ever-changing medium that is music. Bottom line, though: this album needs to be an "Achtung Baby"; it needs to redefine the band.
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Matthew Moffitt hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.