7 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About David Bowie

3. He Predicted The Birth And Career Of Kanye West

What's the difference between David Bowie and Kanye West? One changed the world through his music and the other thinks he's changing the world through his music. Okay, so Kanye West jibes aside (the man is, for all his ego, a genuinely fantastic musician), many would have you believe that Bowie actually predicted the birth and career of Kanye on the release of his 1972 album The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars. On the album cover, Bowie is blatantly standing below a sign that says K. WEST. This in itself is enough to fuel speculation, but it doesn't end there. The first track on the album is titled Five Years, and details a scenario in which the world is threatened with destruction unless a €œStarman€ comes to earth and saves society from its chaotic decadence. And yes, you guessed it...five years (and two days) after the album was released, Kanye West was born. Whether or not Kanye has saved humanity is up for debate, but it's still pretty amazing regardless.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.