7 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About David Bowie

4. The Album Art For Blackstar Has Been In The Pipeline For Almost Forty Years (And Is Cursed)

Way back in 1977, Marc Bolan of the English rock band T.Rex had a TV show called Marc. It was used to showcase various musical artists and ran for six episodes before Bolan tragically died in a car crash. His special guest on the final episode before his death was close friend David Bowie, but that's not the only Bowie-related thing to appear on the show. During the episode, animated pictures were used to split up the show's various segments. The pictures display a crowd of fans, and right in the middle is a man wearing a white t-shirt with a black star on it, the very same image used on Bowie's final album cover. That this black star was used two days before Bolan's death, then, is thought by conspiracy theorists to be proof of some sort of dark and twisted omen, as Bowie released Blackstar two days before his death also.

Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.