8 Albums You'll Never Forget Listening To For The First Time

3. Kendrick Lamar €“ To Pimp A Butterfly

Top Dawg
Top Dawg
Once again Kendrick Lamar's record To Pump A Butterfly is an album thats intense memorability doesn't rely on strangeness or abstraction, but sheer, captivating uniqueness. Since its release in 2015 To Pimp A Butterfly has achieved staggering critical acclaim, winning various Grammy Awards and widely being touted as one of €“ if not THE €“ best hip-hop record of the last decade. Though modern hip-hop is known for being one of the most diverse mainstream genres, no other records are executed as masterfully as To Pimp A Butterfly. The album incorporates elements of jazz, funk and soul, brilliantly combined with traditional beats and Lamar's pitch perfect delivery. Aside from the remarkable combination of jazz and hip-hop €“ and the fact that basically every song on the record is an essential, valuable inclusion €“ there are various other things that make the album stand out. For a start, there's the curious poem that Lamar recites many times throughout the album, getting slightly further through the verse each time, with each added line setting up the following song. And then there's the beautifully edited conversation between Kendrick and Tupac that closes the album, so well done that it's completely jaw-dropping (and a little spooky). Even if you're not a massive hip-hop fan, you won't forget listening to To Pimp A Butterfly the first time.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.