8 Albums You'll Never Forget Listening To For The First Time

2. Metallica & Lou Reed €“ Lulu

Warner Bros Records
Released in 2011, Lulu is a collaborative record written by heavy metal band Metallica and rock singer-songwriter Lou Reed. The album is based on two plays known as the €œLulu plays€, written by the German playwright Frank Wedekind. These plays detail the life of an alluring dancer who uses her sexuality in order to rise in German society, and her subsequent descent into poverty. Immediately following its release, Lulu became the subject extreme scorn by fans, the vast majority of whom were Metallica fans. Most of the backlash came from people who were disappointed and frustrated by the fact that Metallica wasn't releasing a traditional studio album, but in fairness even the critics were unkind to Lulu. For all that said, however, the album is an incredibly unique listening experience. Not just because it's terrible (it largely is), but because it's just so fascinating that it actually exists. Even though the vast majority of people will check out one song and make up their mind to never listen to it again, it's worth ploughing through the entirety of the record if only to experience the full extent of the sheer madness on offer.
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David Bowie
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.