8 Famous Songs That Have The Absolute Dumbest Sequels

2. Eminem - "Stan"

"Stan" was probably the first song that introduced casual rap fans to the true genius of Marshall Mathers, and with good reason. It's one of the most incredible examples of long-form storytelling in modern music. The premise goes as such: a diehard fan of Eminem starts writing his hero letters, telling him about the important events happening in his life while expressing his undying adoration.

Things escalate when Eminem doesn't return his letters, ending with the death of Stan, his wife, and his unborn child. It's tragic. It's grim. And it doesn't need to be retold. (It would be like someone remaking Schindler's List.)

But Lil Wayne had a different idea. Well, technically he had the same idea, which is why he inexplicably decided to write a continuation of the song, creatively titled "Dear Anne." (Because Anne rhymes with Stan, you guys!)

This time, though, it's the rapper writing to his "number 1 fan", rather than the other way around. And by the end of the track we're casually informed that Anne is somehow related to Stan. So that means...something.

It's a bad song that even its creator has since disowned, saying plainly, "I don't like the song. I don't like what I did."

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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.