8 Incredibly Popular Songs That Make No Sense

6. Iron Butterfly - "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCkHanF4v1w How do you make a song that's 17 minutes long, contains fewer than 30 unique words in total, and still manage to confuse the f--k out of listeners for years to come? Iron Butterly had almost half a minute per word to describe what this song is about within the context of the lyrics, and the song's intended meaning still confound's people. In a comical mishap for the ages, the phrase "In the Garden of Eden" was mutilated into the slurred gibberish that we all know and love today. There are still conflicting stories as to how this "translation" occurred, but every account has one element in common: Someone was drunk. Some say lead singer Dough Ingle was too drunk to sing the words properly, while others insist that Ingle was drunk when he first told drummer Ron Bushy the title, and Bushy transcribed it the best he could. (Presumably, when Ingle sobered up he couldn't remember what he came up with and just read the words phonetically.) So, bobbled phrasing aside, just what the hell is In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida supposed to be about? Well, it's about going into the garden of life. Together. With...you know...holding hands and stuff. But what exactly is walking into the garden of life supposed to represent? It...kinda doesn't even matter on this one. Just listen to the music and light one up. That's really all this song is meant for.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.