8 Music Videos So Nasty They Were Banned

7. Nine-Inch Nails - "Closer"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTFwQP86BRs Although this video was originally banished from MTV altogether upon its release, a censored version eventually crept its way back into late-night rotation. Of all the disturbing images shown over the course of the video's four-and-a-half minutes--and there are plenty--there's really nothing that can match the shivers induced by the monkey helplessly being bound to the cross. I'll take Trent Reznor being bound and gagged and suspended from the ceiling by conspicuously hidden hooks, but you leave that monkey alone! Well, that and that goddamn spinning pig's head. I get the reason for including the severed pig's head, what with Reznor's stance on animal cruelty pretty well known at this point but...did it have to spin so feverishly?? I feel like it's going to go flying off that stake and straight onto my pillow while I'm sleeping. Please bring back Trent and his ball gag. Please
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.