8 Music Videos So Nasty They Were Banned

6. Bjork - "Cocoon"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVHpBCjUu8M This video is a claustrophobic's worst nightmare. Artistically, Bjork's videos are always very freeing to watch. She obviously has zero hangups about the human body and is willing to show every bit of it (the way it should be!) so long as it propels the narrative of the video in a meaningful way. And that's fantastic. But that doesn't not make her video for "Cocoon" more than a little squirm-inducing. There's just something about the sight of all that seemingly never-ending red rope unwinding from her nipples that makes me very fidgety in my upper torso. (Never mind the scenes where its being vomited from her mouth.) What really puts it over the edge is the final seconds of her body, completely wrapped in rope, squirming as it's being lifted off the ground and into some place where nightmares are surely the most popular form of currency.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.