8 Music Videos So Nasty They Were Banned

1. Cattle Decapitation - "Forced Gender Reassignment"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K16spzUmz_A You know a music video is bad when even websites like Vimeo refuse to host it. Vimeo would host a video of you stabbing yourself in the foot with a rusty pair of scissors while your friend whips out his dong to pee on it. They would probably even advertise it for you. And yet, they flat-out refused to allow this video onto their site. A little background on this band: Cattle Decapitation tackles issues that are equally close to PETA's heart, but do so in a way that would make Marilyn Manson blush. They've had album covers censored due to some pretty grotesque imagery (one of which involved a human corpse being excreted from a cow), and their mission statement is, more or less, to make as many people as uncomfortable as possible. And boy, did they ever accomplish that with this video. This video has everything: a man getting a drill up his anus, a gimp smelling a used tampon, and lots and lots of genital mutilation. ...Wait, did I say this video has "everything?" I mean to say it has all of the worst things. ALL OF THE WORST THINGS. It's so bad that I'm not even going to post a link to where you can find this montage of night terrors. But if you're curious as to how thoroughly gruesome and sickening it is, feel free to watch the above reaction video.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.