8 Music Videos So Nasty They Were Banned

2. Skinny Puppy - "Worlock"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61BaDHpr_3U When your music video starts with an up-close image of an unborn baby chilling out in some amniotic fluid, there's really only two ways it can do from there: a touching tribute to life and its natural beauty, or an unflinching look at how we'll all eventually die horrible, horrible deaths. If you're this far into this list, you know which one this video falls into. The most offensive thing about this video by industrial rock band Skinny Puppy is how lazy its method of presentation is. Rather than create a video with an interesting narrative to back up the gluttonous scenes of gore and violence, they instead copy and pasted bits of random horror movies, including Hellraiser II and Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer. There's ultimately no redeeming qualities to this video, because it seems like there was no thought put into it whatsoever. This was pretty much a no-brainer for MTV to ban it back in 1989.
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Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.