8 Reasons Why Bruce Springsteen Should Be Your Musical Hero

2. Joe Strummer Said So

joe-strummer_wide-0070754ae88576e287284ed3a377337aa3ac7006-s6-c10 In 1994 Joe Strummer was asked by the producer of a TV documentary called €˜Bruce Springsteen: A Secret History€™ what he thought of Springsteen. He replied via fax with a handwritten letter; €œBruce is great€ If you don€™t agree with that you€™re a pretentious Martian from Venus. Bruce looks great€ Like he€™s about to crawl underneath the chords with a spanner and & sock the starter motor one time so that a engine starts up €“ humming & ready to take us on a golden ride way out somewhere in the yonder€ Bruce is great € Because he€™ll never lay down & be conquered by his problems. He€™s always ready to bust out the shack and hit the track€ His music is great on a dark & rainy morning in England. Just when you need some spirit & some proof that the big wide world exists, the D.J. puts on €˜Racing in the Streets€™ & life seems worth living again€ Life seems to be in Cinemascope again. Bruce is not on an ego trip€ Bruce is actually into the music € We need people like this € A lot of records today are made by people just to feed their fame. Bruce is great € There ain€™t no whinging whining or complaining.. There€™s only great music, lyrics & an ocean of talent. Me? I love Springsteen!!!€ How can you argue with that? Read the actual letter here

I have one golden rule: There is no such thing as a guilty pleasure. Any song or film that makes you feel good doesn't need justifying.