9 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Popular Musicians

7. Paul McCartney Is Dead

Paul McCartney is dead. Let that sink in for a minute. The man who still makes countless media appearances, who featured on the Rihanna/Kanye song FourFiveSeconds has been dead since 1967.

So say some theorists, who believe McCartney perished in a car accident and was actually replaced with a double. Many even believe that this was actually confirmed by The Beatles themselves, pointing to the cover of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. On the cover, a hand is seen above Paul's head, supposedly performing Last Rites. Oh, and apparently John Lennon sings the words €œI buried Paul€ in the band's song Strawberry Fields Forever (Lennon claims he was actually singing the words €œcranberry sauce€). These rumours were so persistant that Paul himself had to way in. Speaking to Life magazine, he said:
"Perhaps the rumour started because I haven't been much in the press lately. I have done enough press for a lifetime, and I don't have anything to say these days. I am happy to be with my family and I will work when I work. I was switched on for 10 years and I never switched off. Now I am switching off whenever I can. I would rather be a little less famous these days."
Of course, that's what a lookalike would say...
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.