9 Bizarre Conspiracy Theories About Popular Musicians

6. Taylor Swift Posts On 4Chan

If you're not sure what 4Chan is, you've at least felt its effect on the media in recent years. 4Chan is an online image board where users can post pictures, comments and create threads for discussion. Its largely responsible for spawning the self-proclaimed online justice force Anonymous, as all posts on the site are completely nameless and faceless.

In one of the website's more bizarre yet strangely endearing theories, many believe Taylor Swift (at least at one point) used the site with some regularity. So where is the evidence? How about the fact that an anonymous user created a thread dedicated to the naming of their cat, with users unanimously deciding on the name Meredith. The day after, Taylor Swift revealed her new cat to the media: Meredith. Another piece of supposed evidence is a picture posted by a female user, accompanied with the comment €œI'm feeling down. Please make me smile.€ Users then sourced an image of Taylor Swift with the exact same background as the one posted by the Anon.
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Commonly found reading, sitting firmly in a seat at the cinema (bottle of water and a Freddo bar, please) or listening to the Mountain Goats.